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Prospect Cart features

You can work with listings in a Prospect Cart, just as you would anywhere else in the system. In addition, you can also:

Empty a tab — To remove all listings from the current tab, locate the Selection Options box in the Options pane. Then click the Empty Tab link.

Enter comments — Enter Comments to help track the listings you have shown the prospect, or make other notes by clicking the Comments icon next to a listing.

Email listings to the prospect

  1. Select the listings you want to email.
  2. Click the E-mail button in the MLS toolbar.

Move listings into the Agent Recommended and Rejected tabs

The most effective way to manage listings for your prospect is to move listings out of the Newly Matched tab, and into the Agent Recommended and Rejected tabs as appropriate. You can do this by using tabs near the top of each cart.

NOTE: If you have enabled the Client Portal for your prospect, then your client has the ability to manage their own cart by moving listings from all tabs to the Saved and Rejected tabs, but not to the Agent Recommended tab.

Delete listings from the cart

  1. Make sure all the listings you want to keep are selected (a check displays in the check box to the left of the listing). Only the listings you want to remove should be unchecked.
  2. In the Selection Options box (located in the Options pane), click the "Remove All Unchecked" link.

IMPORTANT: If you have auto-prospecting set up for the prospect, you should NOT delete listings from the cart since they may be added to Newly Matched again if they still match your prospect's criteria. Instead, move unwanted listings to the Rejected tab. To do this, select listings you want to reject using the check boxes on the left, and then click the Rejected link near the top of the page. Thereafter, auto-prospecting will still e-mail those listings when they are modified, since the change may make the property desirable.

NOTE: There is a limit of 1,000 to the number of listings you can store in a Prospect Cart. If you exceed the limit, Auto-Prospecting will be automatically turned off for the prospect.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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